... the right way `round! New Scientist has some nice photos, and PhysOrg the story. ... There`s no reason you should need to look at the side of your car, unless you`re afraid of car-jacking leprechauns. You can`t see the front of& ...
new way to do car jackings
Typically, carjackings do not receive a lot of media attention — mainly due to the way law enforcement officials report the crime. Most agencies will record a carjacking as a vehicle theft or robbery, therefore making it difficult to& ...
NEWARK, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) – Authorities in New Jersey have launched a new campaign in an effort to combat a rising number of carjackings. The initiative announced Monday in Essex County includes billboards, bus& ...
With Rockstar Games` hugely anticipated Grand Theft Auto V less than a month away from its release, the company has decided to whet our appetites for the game a little more. ... Rockstar on Thursday released an official trailer for the game that introduced us to the game`s three main characters and showed off all kinds of fun criminal mayhem such as bank robberies and carjackings. Grand Theft ... Rockstar Games releases new trailer for Grand Theft Auto V [video].
... the right way `round! New Scientist has some nice photos, and PhysOrg the story. ... There`s no reason you should need to look at the side of your car, unless you`re afraid of car-jacking leprechauns. You can`t see the front of& ...
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